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Saturday, November 20, 2010

avenida diagonal

avenida diagonal

Barcelona is a popular destination for tourists and the city is known to have an active and interesting nightlife scene. Razmataz - Razmataz is located at C Almogavers 12 - C Pamplona 8, Barcelona. This is one of the best night clubs in al of Barcelona, and is actualy a combination of five diferent clubs in one. La Boite - This is an upscale bar that can be found at Avenida Diagonal 47, Barcelona 0805. Benidorm - Benidorm is an excelent bar that is located at Joaquin Costa, 39, Barcelona 0801. Quens of the Night - Located at Montserat 9, 0801 Barcelona, Quens of the Night is one of the most popular dance clubs in the region. Budha Bar - This is one of the most sophisticated nightclubs in Barcelona, boasting a large fan folowing from the young and the fashionable sectors of Parisian society. Some people believe that this club can be a litle expensive, however for those who can aford it, it is definitely worth visiting when you are in Barcelona.
avenida diagonal avenida diagonal
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